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tv   ABC7 News at 9 on KOFY  KOFY  June 24, 2011 9:00pm-10:00pm PDT

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is. >> good evening i'm dan ashley. bay area bound amtrak train collides with big rig at reno. 2 people dead. several others injured. one passenger says he
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saw fire ball. more than 200 passengers were on board the train headed from chicago to emeryville. the collision occurred at a crossing on highway 95 near fernly nevada 70 miles east of reno. leslie is leif from the amtrak station in emeryville where the train was headed now with the very latest. >> that's right. this was supposed to be the final destination. the amtrak station for amtrak train no. 5. california sever but then the unexpected happen suddenly this morning. flames engulf several passenger cars on the amtrak train after a big rig truck struck the westbound california train around 11:30 friday morning at this crossing 60 miles east of reno. some passengers were trapped inside. smoke from the burning car soared into the blue desert sk sky. 2 04 passengers and 14 crew members were on board en route from chicago to emeryville. the crash happened
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without warning. >> we feel in fear hear a boom and jolt and then a big ball of flames went past the window and everybody started yelling and then it was over just that fast and stuck our head out and saw that side of the car was open and looked like part of the truck sticking out of it. the cab doesn't exist any longer. just the 2 dump it was pulling. they appear to be empty so he didn't have a load. my wife and i were in the lower sleeper cabin on the same side that the guy hit. we could have been half second later and we wouldn't be having this conversation. we would be having it with somebody else. so my wife and i are looking at things a little different. >>reporter: truck driver and the amtrak kun doctor died at the scene. critically injured riders helicopter to regional trauma centers. those not injured were taken to a nearby elementary school where they were later transferred to buse buses. >> crash before we got on it. >>reporter: this man and his family had tickets to board the
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ill-fated train in reno. >> we were thinking you know if we would have got on a little earlier it would have been us so we are thankful to be okay. >> yes we were delayed if reno because of it. we heard about it and we had to wait about 5 hours to catch a bus to sacramento and then we popped on a train from sacramento down here. >> our hearts go out to all the family definitely. >> while investigators reportine in emeryville this is 7 news. >> okay leslie thanks very much. as she said investigation has begun. national transportation safety board safety board is sending a team to fernly and railroad crossings are a constant safety concern a around the country. ntsb says a train collides with
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vehicle or person every 100 minutes. new york republican led state senate voted tonight to approve gay marriage. >> aye 33 and nay 29. supporters calling it historic step as new york will become the sixth and by far the largest state to legalize same sex marriage. democratic governor andrew cuomo lobbied hard for the bill and promised to sign it into law. >> we reach a new level of social justice this evening. marriage equality. said to the legislators you look at the first word marriage. really about the second word equality. it's really about new yorkers brother and sisters looking at us and saying we want equality. >> at the stone wall inn in greenwich village long considered the birth place of the gay rights movement the considered the birth place of the gay rights movement the mood was ecstatic
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>> this vote is seen as major step forward in the effort to the allow gay marriage throughout the country. certainly a mail stone event in new york and elsewhere as well. now to bizarre twist in the case of local artist facing child pornography charges. joseph norris was best known for creating giant mosaic of glass tile. but tonight police say that some of the tile installed at school contain sexual image. jonathan bloom reports. >> tens of thousands of tile make up the giant mural artist anthony joseph more norris built all over san francisco often with the help of school children. but in between the pictures of trees and animals police say they found something that wasn't so innocent. >> last week the city was made aware that offensive images had been embedded in some of the mural on city property. >> hiden in speed limit of the tiny glass tile only an inch wide pictures that police say
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carry a sexual theme. >> negative of photograph that is inlaid behind the clear tile itself i think as an adult you look at the tiles and sea possibly if some sort of sexual connotation to them. >>reporter: in all police say they found about 100 of the inappropriate tiles spread across 4 different mural including one here at sunset elementary. the chief says it is unlikely kids would have stumbled upon the tiles on their own. >> the tiles are very small. you would have to get close to the tiles to be able to see the inappropriate images. some of the tiles are at such a height that you would never be able to see them without an apparatus. >>reporter: the school district is reassuring parents. >> we don't have any evidence that children were harmed in the development of these mural. >>reporter: now police say they will continue inspecting norris other mural one tile at a time. >> the investigation and no
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resource spared. the safety of our kids in san francisco is paramount. >>reporter: police say they will surgically rae move and photograph each individual tile that is offensive before taking it into evidence. meanwhile the non-profit kid serve that he uses to teach kids art skills has been shut down. if convicted norris could face up to continue years in prison. in san francisco, jonathan pwloom 7 news. people in east bay community are being warned tonight about a convicted sex offender who is moving in. he's a man who has made a lot of news over the years. kerry moved back to neighborhood in y point. heived i the commity beforend authorities want people to know that he is there again. more now from abc 7 thomas. >> about we do community notification that we have fichlt about 2 dozen contra costa county sheriff's deputy detectives and rae serve officers are passing out the fliers in the quiet bay point neighborhood. it shows a photo of 40-year-old kerry along with
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the sex a crimes of which he was convicted. >> i had already done my research on him sir. >>reporter: he's no stranger to many of these residents. >> if i see him i definitely keep my kid away from him. >>reporter: this is the third time he moved into the neighborhood after spending time away for violating parole and medical treatment. he's just been released from state hospital after prognosis that he's no longer a violent sexual predator. in 2005 after spurned in other bay area city he ended up here behind his counselor offices. when neighbors found out they were furious. >> neighbors got together and we had a protest march. >>reporter: jerry was one of those protestors. he's baffled that he's back. >> i know he has a right to the live wherever he wants but if he lives where people don't want you and uncomfortable and make the neighborhood uncomfortable. >>reporter: he will no longer wear an ankle bracelet to monitor his location 24 hours a day. he is free to go where he wants. that's one reason the sheriffs say they are here. >> we have concerns that he could reoffend. we didn't know but what we are trying to do at
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this point is to increase awareness to notify the bay point community that a high risk sex offender is living in the area. >>reporter: as sex offender he has to report to the county every 90 days. attorney ash and his wife have counseled and let him live in one of the bungalow here in bay point. this is unfoyvrnlt he has laivd here for 6 years and not been any incidents. he's not had an allegation of criminal activity against him in 20 years. utility causes a stir. >>reporter: through a friend kerry told 7 news he wasn't able to talk to us today because he was enjoying his freedom without having to wear an ankle montovrment he also says he's been able to take care of some mundane task not able to take care of for years. in bay point, 7 news. >> and there is outrage in the fruitvale district of oakland tonight over a judge's approval of controversial gang injunction of. it bans 5 men the city says gang members from
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a huge area of east oakland. men can not associate or gather anywhere in the 4 50 square blocks covered by the judge's ruling that you see here on the machlt it also impose as curfew between 10 people and 5:00 a.m. . opponent say the decision is simply impossible to enforce. >> can't be seen in public with another alleged known gang member and what is the definition? how do you know, how are you supposed to know someone is an alleged gang member? >>reporter: the judge reserved his decision on a further 35 disputed gang members until they have a chance to testify. >> well gang violence is the debate in the worry in sacramento tonight. budget crisis means law enforcements is making cuts that many are afraid will translate directly into more crime out on the street. annette has the story tonight from sacramento. l. >>reporter: in this home invasion robbery in the sacramento suburb of rancho
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cordoba last week the homeowner and 2 criminal engaged in gun ballots that resulted in serious injury for all. it highlights the fear many californians have with the state budget cuts to public safety. more crime. over the last few months the correction department has been cutting the gps tracking did he vases off half of the nine 50 gang members on parole as way to save 6 million dollars by july 1st. after slashing jobs and other expenses the agency says there's no where else to cut. >> we can cut on the side of the gang monitors but we can not cut on the side of the sex offender monitor because those are mandated by law. so we are doing what we can with within the confines of the rules and the laws and the budget that we have left. >>reporter: one of the primary suspects in the rancho cordoba shooting is lawrence poop jack who local investigators had the anklet rae moved just one day before the shooting. up until then correction says he seemed
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to be following his parole term. >> more cuts. equals more crimes. >>reporter: resident living near the shooting are upset over the latest cost cutting move. >> first thing did he was like okay what can i do to get into trouble. what does he do. rob someone house. got shot. >> very nerve wracking to know they ever just letting people run the streets. >>reporter: but correction said there's no way to know how he would have behaved had the gps monitor stayed. on risk scale of 1 to 4 with one can the lowest he was given a two. but he also had a job at a steady residence. rarity among tremendouslye. >> but nothing outside of keeping someone in prison is fail safe for keeping them from committing another crime. >>reporter: crime victims group worry this is just the beginning of more gang involved incidents. >> we should be outraged that our safety is going to be jeopardized because the state needs to save a buck. >>reporter: democrat want to keep the temporary tax hike going to avoid more cuts to
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public safety. republicans say make the cut somewhere else to fund public safety. in sacramento, abc 7 news. >> and san jose police are confront ago growing gang crisis there tonight. coming up. controversial alliance they formed with the feds to fight it. >> big weekend for nascar in the bay area. tonight from the race way why this group of fans is now considered an economic indicator. >> a lot happening this weeken weekend. i'm sandy.i'll let you know if this first weekend of summer will actually feel you know if this first weekend of summer will actually feel like it. coming up >> thanks. forget spy kid. coming. under 16 crowd gets their own hacker conference.
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news [ jerry ] look at this! you got a state-of-the-art man-cave, but the savings account of a cave-man! hey sports fans check this out. [ beep ] oops, my bad. earn more with interestplus savings at that's new school banking, baby! ooh, 3-d! instead of earning bupkus, your savings could be earning three times the national average! three times more. go online to what's in your wallet? what's this do? [ beeping ]
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>> more on the concern of gang violence around the bay area. growing gang violence in the south bay led to new
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partnership in san jose. police now working with the federal government to tackle this issue. the chief announced his officers are now teaming up with immigration agents. controversial to some. the story tonight from 7's corina. >>reporter: the barber family living near downtown san jose and the washington neighborhood sits is forced to deal with gang activity on daily basis. >> my kids are seeing people daily drugs. see gang fight. we have come home and seen people laying in front of our driveway. it's awful. >>reporter: san jose police agree which 80's for the first time they are teaming up with the department of homeland security. 2 agent from immigration and custom enforcement or ice will help attack and dismantle criminal street gangs. >> quite frankly a myriad of strategy and really the ultimate quol goal is to protect the community. protect the public in trying remove those folks from the community that are there to exploit people and commit crimes. >>reporter: the partnership comes as san jose faces 27 murder so far this year. 14 of
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them gang related. that compares to 6 gang related homicides in all of last year. >> we can't sit in the tables in there. my son sit in there because we are afraid to get shot. or killed. >>reporter: the ice agent are offering free federal help at a time when san jose police department is facing historic layoffs because of the budget crisis. the police chief says the ice agent are not interested in people's immigration status. >> folks working living in san jose don't worry about ice agent coming in and working on administration issues but criminal investigation. >>reporter: some critic partnership say the move arose trust police were just beginning to rebuild in many minority communities. >> these people have already articulated very clearly deep deep abiding concerns about the police cooperation with federal agents when it comes to immigration. to bring federal agent into that situation to me that's throwing kerosene on the fire. >>reporter: this family doesn't know if the ice agent will help but they say
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something has to be done to stop the east ka oscillating violence. >> pl there are terrorists and l holding the neighborhood hostage. >> ice agent are part of an anti-gang initiative that was launched in 2005 to help city nationwide deal with gang issues. since that program began the government says it has helped result in 22,000 gang related arrests across the country. in san jose, abcnews. the naacp says u.s. airway acted in a racist manner when it had an african american man arrested over an incident involving sagy pants. made a lot of news you have seen it probably. local leaders join the mother of 20-year-old mormon today to protest what they call miss treatment of her son. he was arrested at sfo last week on trespassing charges after he did not immediately pull up his sagging pants when asked to do so. >> naacp no uncertain terms the
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contends that this young man was profiled. he has been a victim if of racial injustice tl and that u.s. arrows to him and his mother an apology reverend brown says he was subjected to double standard because he's african american. they point to an incident earlier this month when the airline allowed this man a skaptly klaidman to fly despite complaints from other passengers. u.s. airway doesn't have a dress code and mormon was arrested because he ignored repeated requests to follow flight crew instructions. all right. well the weekend has arrived. let's move on and talk about the weather. sandy is here. really lovely outside. >> sluchlt it's nice. as we head into the weekend. no extremes dan. not too hot. not too cold but cooler than normal for summer. l show you live picture rate now from our
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high definition camera. transamerica pyramid and san francisco financial district and we have a couple of low clouds patches there in the distance. we will see more than just a few patches of clouds as we head in towards the morning hours. this morning you probably notice the june gloom hard to miss the deepening marine layer but this afternoon the wind flow helped to clear out most of the coast line and fog was pushed down to right around the monterey bay so most areas enjoy the sun today with a little bit of a breeze there. temperatures right now in the 50's along the coast around the bay and in our inland areas like antioch, 73 degrees. we are starting to see the marine layer reforming tonight right around san francisco and a half moon bay and by morning you are going to feel the marine push. low cloud move in land overnight to sunny saturday except at the coast. and some tl warm expected on sunday and monday. tonight look for temperatures mainly in the 50's. santa rosa 47 degrees and you will see wide spread low clouds as we
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head into the morning hours. there is a reason for that. lower pressure inland. high pressure over the pacific that keeps the on shore flow going and with that wind flow coming off the ocean the clouds will get pushed back into our inland areas tonight. and it is going to take awhile for the clouds to pull back to near the beaches. here's what it looks like in the morning. gray. for most of the bay area. that's pretty typical in the summer time. what is not so typical the fact the temperatures running cooler than where you should be this time of year. normally 90's right around now in the inland area only 80's along the coast line where it will stil see over cast lingering into the afternoon. temperatures will remain on the cool side in the 50's. so specific temperatures for the south bay on saturday. 75 for san jose. los gatos close to 80 degrees there. 74 in sunnyvale milpetas on the peninsula it's a beautiful day. mostly sunny skies. 73 in mountain view. 72 for men low park. where the fog sits most of the afternoon temperatures will remain on the cool side.
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so you will need a sweater or jacket in pacifica. 57 degrees. 65 in millbrae. downtown san francisco far cry from what should be this time of year. 61 in downtown san francisco. gay pride weekend temperatures will come up a little bit for sunday. so partly cloudy in san francisco tomorrow. fog daly city 58 degrees and forth bay you are looking at variety from 50's at our beaches bodega bay 68 in oakland. newark 70 for union city. head inland it's going to be a mild sunny afternoon. 78 for danville and walnut creek. 79 in livermore. 82 for antioch there around the monterey bay. 67 in santa cruz up to 80 inland in morgan hill. here's accu-weather 7 day forecast cooler tomorrow a little warmer on sunday. and on monday and then notice the downward trend. midweek we are talking about the possibility of some showers. i know that
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sounds so crazy. here we are in the middle of june. late june by next weak tuesday night into wednesday and there's a chance of some rain in the north bay. very light. but it looks like unseasonably strong system coming down. >> i won't break out the georgia loren. >> maybe the umbrella. >> i don't own any boots. >> coming up next. al qaeda name as we continue it seems osama bin laden thought his terror organization needed an image make over. >> do you remember those stranded travelers out in the airport last week end. here's what they could have received if only they had known to ask. i'm michael with your right if only they had known to ask. i'm michael with your right coming up on 7 on your side.
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saz osama bin laden wanted something that would convey more of a holy war against the west. >> there is a hacker tech conference being held in las vegas later this summer for kids between the ages of 8 and 16. according to them the idea hype the conference isn't to create the next round of child prodegy cybercriminal but to size up youngsters that form the next generation of digit cal crime fighters. name of the conference con kids situation. at computer crash
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stranded travelers around the country 3000 people at san francisco international alone it was a huge mess. what dots airline owe you. >> happened last week. thousands of passengers stranded because of a computer snafu. >> unhappy and angry. >> they were not happy campers and that is not just a figure of speech. many crashed out of the airport camping as it were. as it turns out, they didn't have to rough it. sure the flight on hold but comfortable and free hotel room awaited. so why didn't they go there? >> because they didn't know what their rights were. and they didn't get what they should have. >>reporter: that is travel attorney who says not all of these people qualified for a night in a hotel room courtesy of united airline. but surely
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he says some did. >> it depends where you are from. >>reporter: you see the airline own rules call the contract of care calls for the airline to supply a hotel room if certain conditions are met. >> if you are a passenger who had its original flight coupon from sfo or from whichever airport it was you don't get a hotel. tl only people passing through who might really need a hotel if it's after 10:00 o'clock at night would be eligible to get a coupon for a hotel. >> so many didn't get a hotel room not because they weren't owed it but because tl they didn't ask. the so if you get stranded go on line and type in the name of your airline and then these words contract of care. there you will find what the airline owes you under your particular circumstances. then just go to the counter and ask. i'm michael, 7 on your side.
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>> and still ahead here tonight on 7 news at 9:00. the google investigation. is the silicon valley search engine unfairly trying to bury the competitors? and why president obama is being asked to keep his distance. >> applause woman is sued for posting negative comments on yellp. judge weighs in. what he has to say about the case. >> couldn't have felt threatened during the first alarm because he gave the correct password. >>reporter: and remembering the most famous trench coat wearing cigar smoking tv 
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the bay area -- a place with natural beauty and a forward thinking spirit. at bank of america, we've been fueling economic growth here for over a century. today we're investing in innovations that will define our future. every day, we're working to help set opportunity in motion.
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from financing a solar project for the milpitas school district to funding the institute at golden gate. because when you're giving, lending, and investing in more mmunities across the country, more opportunities happen. >> good evening once again. thanks for being here this friday night. we start this the half hour recapping the 2 big stories we are following at
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least 2 people dead after tractor-trailer crashed into the amtrak train headed for the bay area. happened on 95 near fernly nevada 70 miles east of rain reno. train headed to emeryville. >> 33-29. [applause]. >> gay marriage will become legal in new york state. republican led state senate voted to approve it tonight and new york governor cuomo says he will sign the bill. 2 headlines key headlines tonight. >> federal investigators are launching another investigation into google and its business practices. this is the second investigation that has come to light in just the past couple weeks and now there are political ramifications. l mark matthews explains why the obama administration is being dragged into. >> google admits it is being investigated by the federal trade commission, ftc looking into complaints that google manipulates the search engine results in order to highlight google owned subsidiary like
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you tube while burying the competition. >> huge number of complaints. people many web sites feel that what google is doing is unfair. >> uc law professor is an expert on anti-trust issues. he says there has been a lot of pressure on the government to investigate google to see if what they are doing is illegal. >> it may be my betting right now its a case won't be brought. >>reporter: government is also investigating google in connection with on line advertising for so-called rogue pharmacy. that operate outside the law. last year google filed a suit against those kinds of advertisers saying rogue pharmacy are bad for users for legitimate on line pharmacy and for the entire e-commerce industry. google promised to go after those advertisers but today consumer watch dog sent a letter to the white house counsel expressing concern that the president has been entertaining google executives at the white house while these cases are pending.
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that poses an inappropriate conflict of interest. >> so the white house should be embracing a company and chief executive officers when that company is under criminal investigation by the justice department, anti-trust investigation by the federal trade commission. >>reporter: president obama does have a close relationship with google executive chairman eric schmid. the president came to the bay area earlier this year he invited submit to dinner with other high tech ceo and schmid was at recent white house state dinner for germany chancellor. >> google needs to be frozen out of these white house state dinners and high profile white house events while it is under criminal investigation anti-trust investigation. >>reporter: google did not return our request for statement and neither did the white house even though we asked self times. in the news ramp, abc 7 news. they are back. this week the wink el voss twins fate
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appeared to be over not quite. two days after dropping the supreme court appeal against facebook the twins are pushing ahead with another suit against the social network. this time they claim facebook intentionally or inadvertently hid on line instant mess thanks could prove face back was really theiidea. not mark. it goes on. >> imagine posting a negative comment on yellp like people do and getting slammed with two million dollar lawsuit. carson wrote a negative review of marin county plastic surgeon d dr. kimberly henry. henry then sued her former patient for libel, defamation, envision of privacy and inability to run a business. today a judge threw out that lawsuit saying the review was protected under free speech. many there is welcome financial news in sonoma county where millions of dollars will roll in this weekend. nascar has come to town. and as wayne friedman reports there may be financial tea leaves in the remnant of all that burned
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rubber. >> after awhile it becomes one big dusty dirty blur. >> we save money just to come to this. this is an important event for us. >>reporter: big for him and big for 100,000 other people who will pack the race way this weekend for ethanol induced hero worship. >> that is for real. tattoo. hurt like heck. >>reporter: welcome today one of 3 concluding with toyota 350 on sunday. l different here because it is a road race. >> we have left and right hand turns. left. left. left. >> but beyond the competition there may be a sub plot here because of some fi pundit view nascar as an indicator of the american economy at large. are you ahead last year or hype. >> we are about even. >>reporter: she follows nascar from event to event selling burger and burrito. when she says she's even with last year she means she's down from years
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before. but if the economy were really hurting would people like john have the cash to camp out in a place like this all weekend. >> about 1400. >>reporter: still tires alone cost 20,000 dollars per weekend some corporate sponsors had enough. just this week red bull will leaf nascar at theen of the season. ask a driver about that say kyle busch. challenging. challenging for anybody out there. ticket sales for mainly league baseball games are down and football games are down. >>reporter: mean time we suspect none of this money talk really matters to die hard nascar fans. >> make you want to drive fast. >> definitely. but i can't -- not in my car. >>reporter: and if that's what they want that's what they will get this weekend. gear head nirvana. from the race way in sonoma county, wayne friedman abc 7 news. >> should be a good weekend up there. struggle to break a
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serious deadlock president obama taking direct control of the debt limit talk that broke down under vice president biden leadership. white house warns the economic stability is at stake unless there is a deal to raise the limit on how much debt the u.s. can carry. key disagreement over taxes here. democrat say we have to either raise taxes or lose tax break for big companies and the wealthy. republicans say no way. they want huge cuts in government spending instead. >> the peter falk spent more than 50 years appearing on television and move aets but the role that turned him into a television institution columbo of course he was a super sleuth in a wrinkled rain coat and it became his signature role. if george knew him very well and has this look back. >> couldn't have felt threatened during the first alarm because you gave the correct password. right? >>reporter: columbo first entered the television world in 1971. series ended 6 years later but falk who won 4 emmy
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for his work would return to play his guy lieutenant columbo in several made for tv movie in the late 80's early 90's and even as late as 2003. i visited the set during one of the final columbo moments l. >> i worry about everything, you know l, i still enjoy it. for me l my thrill is when i lack at detailies. and if it is good. i get excited. >> he received 2 oscar nomination for the early work in the film murder incorporated and pocket full of miracles. falk also starred on screen with all star cast in the great race. and he won a toney for the 1971 neal simon play the person of second avenue. he was back on screen in 79 opposite allen arkin in the inlaws. in his later years he was featured in the vince vaughn film made and he took on a role in the comedy corky
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roman o. during the enter view for that film he pre-tended to be busy with other things. >> what's more important than me. >> nothing. nothing. nothing. >>reporter: 6 years later in 2007 he began suffering from advance dimensia likely from alzheimer's disease. in 2009 his wife was appointed as his conservetor after adopted daughter catherine wage add legal fight questioning the control of the estate. the daughter lost. during testimony in the case a doctor said falk could no longer recall the role that made him a television legend. columbo. >> how many rain coat does the man have. >> i'll lie and tell you just one. >>reporter: i always liked talking with peter falk. he leaves us at the age of 83. this is abc 7 news. well moving on. as we continue tonight on 7 news at 9:00. the sticker shock that is about to hit hybrid drivers and how they are mobilizing to stay in the commuter lane. >> bay area bicycle give away
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and recipient will be getting much more than just a free rid hey marcel, watch this!
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so bring home a real meal -- 10 pieces of that famous chicken, 3 large sides and 6 biscuits. enough real food to feed a family of four or more, just 20 bucks. today tastes so good. >> call it prius power. bay area prius owner mobilize this weekend. on july 1st they lose the right to use the h o v car pool lane even if they have those yellow clean air stickers unless they are in a car pool.
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some hybrid owners are gathering in san jose on sunday for a prius party and to help them figure out how to peel off the yellow decals. mercury news columnist mr. road show will be there. >> be careful. i have had real low tech pollution diffuse in peanut butter to rub it off. hair dryers. heat ventilator an things like that. >>reporter: representatives from the bay area air quality management control district will explain the car pool changes and introduce drivers to ride match services. well if you have a bicycle you are not using or even bike parts for that matter this weekend is the perfect time for to you give them to a very worthy cause. program designed by a local bike chain to help entrepreneur and those in need to find a way to get around. carolyn johnson reports. >> mike bike has anyone stores all over the bay area. business is good. so good the company started a foundation to send used bikes to africa where the need is huge. >> most people will never own a
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private car. >>reporter: owner of mike bike says a bike can make a big difference. >> it can add so much to their productivity. to theirability to get to school. to get to work. to bring goods to marke market. >>reporter: for the last 4 years mike bike have collected used bikes and parts to send to africa. >> something like this in the garage. that's fine. we can find all the parts to make that thing a complete bike. thing will be perfect for somebody. >>reporter: this company video shows how they pack hundreds of bike noose a single shipping container. use every bit of space because it costs 10,000 dollars t send each one. and now they have a new partner. moving and storage company called pod. pod put container at each mike bike parking throat give the store more room for donated bike. next shipment goes out next week so there's a big push to get donations this weekend. >> we hope these containers are filled and overwhelmed with all the bikes by monday. >>reporter: in africa donated
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bike given to small store that operates out of this shipping crate. foundation help shop owners learn how to repair and maintain bikes. the project creates jobs and provides a way for people to keep their bike in good condition. so far they have sent more than 5000 bikes and they want yours. >> you can change a life in africa and get some stuff out of the garage a get a tax deduction, too. >> carolyn johnson reporting. program will take any size bike just drop it off at one of the many pike bike location. fine a list on our web site under see it on tv. >> well l we are used to hearing about firefighters rescuing kitten from tree but coming up next. round hole and tight@
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>> over the years cat rescue are pretty common. even 2 veteran were surprised when concerned citizen brought off a metal pipe saying there was a kitten stuck inside. listen as they describe what happened. >> here we go. there we go. got a good visual of him now. really concerned about the cat. and it was in there so tight. i didn't want to harm him in any way. already traumatized you could tell by the way it was crying. so john made a suggestion that we use a non-mechanic paper cutter that was a great idea. >> there you go. there you go.
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hi little guy. pull the cat out and we named it piper. how appropriate. when she came out she seemed to be in pretty good spirits and started coming around after mike gave her a nice bath an got her some wate water. several times we have actually had to do cat rescue out of tree and stuff but this is pretty unique situation. >> i have done a dog with a pipe open its head but this is the first. >>reporter: piper good name. all in a day work and all is well that ends well. poor thing stuck in there like a cork. >> let's go back up date the weather forecast for the weekend. sandy here with that. >> it's going to be a pleasant weekend. temperatures down a few degrees tomorrow inland areas in the low 80's. cooler than what we are used to for the summertime. 70's around the many inland location. bay side coast side looking at 50's and 60's right near the beache
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beaches. low clouds will hang around well that the afternoon so it will remain cool there. if heading to the ballpark tomorrow more of the game giants take on the cleveland indians at at&t park at 1:10 in the afternoon partly cloudy breezy. cool side. upper 50's to low 60's so mate want to grab a sweater or jacket as you head out the door. 7 day forecast it's a warmer day sunday and again on monday and then we cool it off and bring in the possibility of some rain. >> we'll see. thanks very muc much. >> we have all the sports and hi to risk's mom. >> all the way from texas. enjoying the cal weather. it's hot down there. >> yes. appreciate it. coming up in sports. a's and giants continue interleague play tonight and hi mom. looking to shore up the defense. sharks tonight and hi mom. looking to shore up the defense. sharks trade one of the more popular
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>> coming up tonight 7 news at 11:00 o'clock. new information from passengers on board that amtrak train headed for emer emeryville that was struck by a big rig. we have the very latest on this tragedy. >> exclusive interview with a bay area student scheduled for deportation. what she plans to tell lawmakers when she goes to washington, d.c. those stories and a lot more for you coming up at 11 over on channel 7. but we have all the sports and some hockey business. >> yes shark came up short this year. get to the next level can't say steel. lacking im paragraph the defense. they
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have a major trade. the trade comes just a day after san jose signed him to new 3 year 9 million dollar contract. 24-year-old got off to slow start last season. came up big in the play offs with 7 gold and 3 assist. burns should provide san jose with more depth on the blue line besides playing great defense and scored 17 goals last season. >> a opposite opened a 3 game series in philadelphia tonight. if you like pitching and defense this was the game for you. when if filly you have to order a cheese steak. the start for the a in the third. sweeney takes a way base hit from rawlings with sliding back hand catch. lucky he didn't hurt himself. neither team no hit until the sixth. great defense until the eighth. the diving grab but in the 9th pitch hitter francisco comes through with a 2 out single.
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shane trot from third with game winning run. phillies take it 1 nothing. cleveland paid a rare visit to at&t park tonight. sanchez got off to rocky start in the fivrments santana not that santana a.rips a two run double that the gap. indian go on top. it was 3 nothing before torrez put the giants on the board for the solo home run. he was in a deep slump but had 3 hits. to the sixth with bases loaded. dribble to first. santana can't make the play. stewart scores to make it 3-2. after sandoval sac. fly tie the contest huff hits foul pop down the line. third baseman hanna hand makes the grab but torrez taking up and scores the run. that is the final as giants come back to beat cleveland 4- 4-3. fichlt cinderella baseball team has returned home after the program was nearly dropped the bears dade for
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fifth at the college world series. best finish in 31 years. calorie marketable run came to the an end yesterday when a loss to top seed virginia at the college world series. when the team arrived this afternoon at berkeley a lot of the fans were on hand to say job well done. >> again once in a life time for our kids. just a great experience to play at that level of competition. best teams in the nation. and to be in the top 5 teams in the country when all said and done what a great year. >> it was surreal. i feel in like every guy has wanted to go back next year. have that moment and that experience with us for the rest of our lives. >>reporter: true season to remember. joe captured the pole for the 350 in sonoma. last year johnson took the checkered flag. claiming first road course victory. no one has done better than jeff gordon who likes road course and won here 5 tombs. still no clear favorite since 2000 4
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there has been ative winner every year. >> we had a great race here last year. qualified well. tl and had a little bit of fortune our way. marcos turn up the hill but l look forward to another great race. want to expand on what we did here last year. >> looking forward to good weekend for us. we have run well in the past. won the race in 2008 i believe it was. and so no rope why we don't expect to run well here. >> at age 29 some are saying roddick best days may be behind him. today at wimbledon he lost to the also known lopez. roddick had beaten lopez 7 straight times but the spaniard finally broke through. roddick at the net gets blown away by the back hand. lopez took the first set. roddick did force another tie breaker in the second set. by making this fine drop shot. lopez with not be denied here. nice cross court winner. if this would be
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match point roddick return goes wide and upset complete. lopez wins straight sets. as for the women. vaep us williams had no problem with maria san khesz. williams dominated from the start. vines only seated 23 this year but couldn't tell it by the play today. she goes down the line for the winner. this was match point. williams wins 6 love, 6-2 mavs on to the fourth round. if >> pretty good form. >> vane us rising as they like to say. she's not out of it yet. >> all right thanks rick very much. >> that is this edition of abc 7 news here on coffee tv 20. for rick, sandy and all of us thank you so much for watching we appreciate your time as always. hope to sigh again in one hour over on channel 7. always. hope to sigh again in one hour over on channel 7. goodbye for now.


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